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Philippe REFAIT

LaSIE – UMR 7356 CNRS La Rochelle University

更新时间:2022-01-19 09:06

Philippe REFAIT

Expert Information

Name: Philippe REFAIT


Tel: +33 5 46 45 82 27

Work unit: LaSIE – UMR 7356 CNRS La Rochelle University

Degree: Ph. D (Materials Science)

Title: Professor

Position: Teacher/Researcher

Profile: Main research directions:

- Corrosion mechanisms (mainly of carbon steel and low alloy steel) in natural environments: marine corrosion (e.g. seaport structures, marine renewable energy devices, etc.), corrosion of buried steel pipelines, corrosion in nuclear waste storage, etc.

- Biocorrosion and more generally role of micro-organisms, associated species and organic matter.

- Cathodic protection, and more specifically understanding of the processes occurring under cathodic polarization (cathodic zones of a metal, defects in a sacrificial coating, etc.)

Main research achievements:

More than 170 published research articles, including 39 papers in Corrosion Science, 14 in Electrochimica Acta and 9 book chapters.

- h-index = 47, ca 6000 citations

- Currently the chair of the “Marine Corrosion” working party of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC).

- Currently the head of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, La Rochelle University.

- Director of LEMMA laboratory (2004-2007) and assistant director of the Faculty of Science and Technology (2003-2007) of La Rochelle University.

Presentation title: Corrosion and cathodic protection of carbon steel in marine environment: influence of the corrosion products(海洋环境下碳钢的腐蚀与阴极保护:腐蚀产物的影响)




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